The work illustrates the human diseases caused by exposure to three of the main types of agents harmful to our body: those related to the loss of tolerance to exogenous
environmental compounds (SCM), asbestos, electromagnetic fields. And the exposures are considered employ–ment, both unrelated to the job. Also described are the multifactorial etiology and
multisistemicity of clinical conditions, especially it is paid attention to the toxicological synergism (cocktail effect) between the three types of agents, each other and with other pathogens.
The peroxidation effect is the main leitmotif of interaction between the three above-mentioned types of poisons. Another factor shared by all three is that they are all related to the “progress"
and that entrepreneurial profit which is realized through the exploitation of man-by-man, carefully concealed by a conspiracy of silence. The man in the street (Green Man) can only hope that all
this knowledge they are able to facilitate his health through the prevention of risks.
Giancarlo Ugazio
The Interactive Triad in a Polluted
Environment against Health
Copyright © MMXIV
ARACNE editrice S.r.l.
Presentation Michele MICHELINO
Dead Due to Progress
Years of workers’ struggles against a harmful environment in the factory,
and later in the local area have taught us that primary prevention
and removal of carcinogens and harmful substances that cause diseases
are real health protection. “Civilized” Italian people continue to
die from work and for work, people continue to die for profit and in
the name of “progress”. One of the causes is the pursuit of maximum
profit of by unscrupulous businessmen and the culpable complicity
of governments, public administrators, politicians, trade unionists in
the name of a reason of state accepted as inevitable and normal that
many people, human beings, get sick and die every day in the name
of “progress”. Nowadays, even for those who should be in charge of
health protection; in particular the “workers representatives”, that is,
the unions, the protection of workers’ health is no longer a priority.
We have gone back sixty–six years. Back in 1947, when theWorld
Health Organization declared that with respect to the right to health:
The States Parties to this Constitution declare, in accordance with the
Charter of the United Nations, that the base of the happiness of peoples,
their harmonious relations and their safety, are the following principles:
health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
The possession of the best possible state of health is a fundamental
right of every human being without distinction of race, of religion, of
political opinion, economic or social condition. The health of all peoples
is a fundamental condition of world peace and security; it depends on the
closest possible cooperation between individuals and between states. The
results achieved by each country in the improvement and protection of
health are valuable for all.
The disparity in the different countries with regard to the improvement
of health and the fight against disease, especially communicable diseases,
constitutes a danger for everyone. The healthy development of the child
is of paramount importance; the ability to live in harmony with a rapidly
changing environment is essential for this development. To achieve the
highest degree of health it is essential to make accessible to everyone
the knowledge acquired by the medical sciences, psychology and the
like. Enlightened public opinion and active co–operation of the public
are of paramount importance for the improvement of the health of the
population. Governments are responsible for the health of their citizens;
they can meet this responsibility, only by taking adequate health and social
The very articles of the Italian Constitution, such as Article. 32
which reads: The Republic safeguards health as a fundamental right of the
individual and collective interest—together with Art. 41, paragraph II—
which states that private economic initiative, despite being free, may
not be contrary to public benefit or in a manner that could damage safety,
liberty, and human dignity, are completely disregarded and not applied.
Today the only right recognized by the State is that of the industrialist
to make profits at the expense of human beings. We cannot accept
without a fight that millions of workers, their families and citizens
continue to be subjected to the danger of contracting diseases caused
by carcinogens and environmental pathogens, as has happened and in
many cases still does.
The new diseases due to progress are not inevitable. It has been
proven that new products, new goods manufactured in production
processes with new substances and new materials and put on the
market without being tested or not tested with regard to their effects
on health are carriers of new diseases. Let’s take an example. For
decades, all Italian governments — after trampling and offending
Art. 2 of the Constitution which states that Italy repudiates war as an
instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples and as a means
of settling international disputes—have imported ferrous scrap from all
over the world to be melted down and reused for domestic industry.
In particular, metals and raw materials from areas where there were
our “peace missions” (the hypocrisy of so called modern wars) under
the aegis of the UN and NATO.
First you destroy, humans and nature are polluted with the depleted
uranium bombs and shells, then you import cheap contaminated
scrap metal with no border controls. So, after having killed
abroad, back home poisons and carcinogens arrive that will harm or
kill even its own population.
The life and humanity of certain entrepreneurs is not dictated by
heart beats, but the speed with which capital, exploiting workers, is
enhanced. The loss of life in the production process, in the conflict
between capital and labor, is considered “physiological” by the system,
and new diseases that affect workers and citizens represent the
possibility of new business for the pharmaceutical companies.
The progressive attempt to dismantle public health in favor of
the private sector goes in this direction. Remove the control of local
public health–agencies on industries and citizens pass it to the private
certification company in the field of elevators / lifts, for example,
(inspection and checks on installations are no longer made by the
technicians from the public safety agencies (such as ISPEL) or from
the regional environment agencies (Arpa), but professional businesses)
is a further step towards the privatization and commercialization of
safety. Occupational diseases dilute deaths over time and exposure to
or contact with harmful substances and carcinogenic substances in the
production process, the ILO estimated that each year about 438.000
employees lose their lives, a figure that certainly underestimates the
reality. Asbestos, in particular, is responsible for the death of 100,000
people a year (more than 4,000 in Italy alone), while silicosis continues
to affect millions of workers and retirees in the world.
Behind the democratic system, which professes equality of citizens
hides the brutality and violence of a system that, through laws that
sanctify profit, grants immunity and license to kill in the name of
the “free market” and “progress” . Although sometimes some owners
responsible for the deaths of workers are found guilty, in Italy
we have never seen an entrepreneur or a politician found guilty of
manslaughter go to jail.
When a worker is killed on the job due to an injury or occupational
disease, once the victims and their families have been compensated,
or — in the case of a trial — the plaintiffs have been paid damages to
get them out of the way, silence falls. And through legal loopholes,
the usual delays of the machinery of justice either you the case is
closed due to the statue of limitations or there is a derisory sentence.
Even worse is the case for citizens affected by harmful substances
and carcinogenic substances used in industry and released into the
air, ether and water table. The relationship with the workers and
citizens has helped to strengthen the battle for primary prevention.
With this new book — which examines and summarizes knowledge
on the causes of the polluted environment, on multiple chemical
sensitivity that results in the loss of tolerance to environmental poisons
and chemicals, on the extension of research involving both asbestos–
related diseases, and to research on electromagnetic fields, and which
highlights the importance of synergy pathogen interaction between
the three types of harmful agents —those fighting to protect health
and the environment have a new weapon.
To professor Giancarlo Ugazio, an unrepentant physician when
it comes to protecting health and a scientist who is not for sale, an
honorary member of our Board and companion of many battles on
the side of workers and citizens, wemust therefore express once again
our deep appreciation and sincere gratitude.
Chairman of the Committee for the Defense of Health in the
Workplace and in the Territory
Sesto San Giovanni (MI) (
On June 1th, 2012, as a result of an exposé on the issue of the risks
of exposure to asbestos, held on April 27, 2012 at Palazzo Marino in
Milan, a documentary journalist of the political movement M5S asked
me for an interview at my home. That interview—released on You
Tube—developed on a single question: Tell me about the ethical and
social aspects of environmental pollution.
This solicitation did not catch me unprepared: as always, in my
professional activities of research and teaching, I had paid attention
not only to the strictly scientific aspects of environmental pathology,
motivated for the preventive protection of environmental health, but
also to the social and ethical aspects. In fact, when I encountered
something strange, at the expense of environment and health, as a
rule, I never hid in the closed lab, but I wondered: Who stands to gain?
As a result, I deepened my knowledge of such problems by drawing
information not only from the common bibliographical sources but
also from the computer network.
This fifth book of mine The interactive triad is the tool for the
dissemination of much of the information that I have collected during
many years of work and also after the publication of the book on
asbestos of 2012, of which it is a development.
The first chapter deals with the panoramic view of the polluted environment
of today’s world, torn between the progress of the industrial
revolution, on the one hand, and the economic–financial balance of the
budget, on the other. As a rule, profit takes precedence over the quality
of both the environment and health. The conspiracy of silence is the
soundtrack that serves as the atmosphere of the whole debacle in which
we live and where our children and our grandchildren are destined to
live. Since these particular aspects are generally hidden by entrepreneurs
who enjoy the profit, the handling of the panoramic view is offered to
the reader in six languages other than Italian, so that the information is
not hampered by the knowledge of only the Italian language.
The second chapter is one of the main icons that exemplify these
problems: MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity), a devastating multi–
factorial and multisystemic syndrome. A multitude of environmental
pathogens, derived from progress or development, however you prefer
to call it, either alone or in the simultaneous presence, even in
infinitesimal doses, under conditions of synergy and / or potentiation,
causes the loss of tolerance to chemical and physical agents in
genetically predisposed organisms. MCS is one of the main reasons
why “healthy life expectancy” at birth, since 2003, has undergone a
major shortening, although the raw (total) life expectancy continues
to increase. The author illustrates the most important pathogens, as
well as the most frequent morbid manifestations. The awareness of
this information is the only tool that allows the diagnosis (based on
medical history) and treatment by the avoidance of further exposure
to pathogens, once identified.
The third chapter discusses the most common diseases caused by
asbestos. Asbestos, a mineral with stunning technological properties
and fairly widespread in the earth’s crust, for more than a century, has
been used successfully in many technological applications. Before, during,
and after use of the articles that contain it e.g.: in mining, in the
manufacture of the articles, in their use, and in their disposal at the end
of their use, the tiny fibrils that make up the mineral may be dispersed
in air, water, and food and get into our body. They can be inhaled and /
or ingested, or even enter passing through the mucose of hollow organs
of the body which communicate with the outside washed by possibly
contaminated tap water, used for hygienic purposes, this is a subsidiary
but important route of entry for the fibrils. After this stage, any tissue
reached by the ore through the bloodstream can become pathogenic,
especially carcinogenic. It is recognized that this disease process begins
to take place through a peroxidative reaction that alters the DNA
molecule, the phenomenon of priming the tumor process. The natural
history of carcinogenesis can proceed in a delicate balance between the
carcinogenic action above, on the one hand, assisted by many synergistic
factors, such as certain heavy metals present together, or some
pathogenic microorganisms, or even peroxidative factors. On the other
hand, there can operate inhibitors of carcinogenesis: first and foremost
the repair enzymes of the DNA molecule, and secondly the immune
system. From the state or the disruption of the balance of this important
biological “tug of war” depends the health or exitus of the individual
exposed to the mineral fibrils. According to the biomedical literature,
the main target organs of the pathogenic asbestos, carcinogenic and /
or non–tumor, are located not only in the chest [e.g. lung, pleura, heart,
pericardium], but also in other areas of the organism, for instance, brain,
larynx, esophagus, breast, kidney, stomach, pancreas, peritoneum, small
intestine, colon–rectum, prostate, ovary, testis, tunica vaginalis of testis,
bladder, and vagina. Among the most important non–tumor diseases
are included: Alzheimer’s disease and Autism, and Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis. MCS and the diseases caused by asbestos have in common
both a clinical manifestation, as a real link, the fibromyalgia, and a peculiar
susceptibility to the imbalance of the peroxidative equilibrium. In the
first clinical condition appears the cycle of the so–called NO/ONOO–
(of peroxynitrite), while in the second, the onset of the disease, carcinogenesis,
initiatiates with the alteration of the DNA molecule, based on a
peroxidative phenomenon. Further, when a subject is genetically predisposed
to disease, in any of the two above–mentioned clinical conditions,
his/her health must be protected by means of that awareness which
allows avoiding either the conditions of synergism among pathogens,
or the depression of the anticancer devices. Another factor assimilating
the two clinical conditions is a genetic polymorphism, specific to each
of them, which blocks the defense ability against pathogens. Finally
we must not forget that the clinical condition caused by the interactive
triadmay result fromexposure to pathogens in both occupational and
non–working environments.
The fourth chapter describes some of the diseases that are caused
directly or indirectly by exposure to E.M.F. [Electro Magnetic Fields].
This type of pathogen could operate in both sectors of this important
contention reported previously. Indeed, it is known that such physical
agents can both stimulate the formation of oxygen free radicals, as
happens following a martial therapy, and reduce the epiphyseal incretion
of the melatonin, a hormone known as valid bulwark against the
progression of cancer.
The fifth chapter constitutes a comment of the various interactions
of pathogens, both at the level of synergism and of toxicological enhancement.
The different biomedical stages involved in the “tug of
war” between the pathogens and the body’s defenses, refer especially
to the consequences for the health of the community, namely alter16
The Interactive Triad in a Polluted Environment against Health
ations in life expectancy, not just the “raw” terms, but especially of the
healthy one. The ultimate aim is the preservation of environmental
health, the reciprocal of environmental disease.
The series of appendices (I to VII) offers a wide range of biomedical
information that integrates the content of the previous chapters. The
first four show the scientific literature on the action of a pathogenic
mineral (asbestos) and three heavy metals (iron, lead, and mercury).
The collective presentation of these four pathogens together with
the three major environmental poisons of the interactive triad is no
coincidence. The choice has a clear purpose: it wants to pass on
the message to those who ignore environmental risks, for passive
ignorance (inborn), and would like to inform those who dedicate
themselves to active ignorance that the human body can be exposed to
multiple pathogens simultaneously or subsequently, with the effects of
synergism and / or enhancement, which are of toxicological concern.
The image of St. Sebastian, pierced by many arrows, which is shown
on the cover of Environmental Pathology, how to prevent it (Ugazio, 2006)
represents the human being prone to multiple pathogens, a quite
common situation. Incidentally, it is then appropriate for the reader
to know that our tissues, in front of environmental poisons, do not
behave in accordance with the limits of the official laws, but follow the
laws of nature, and as part of a “tug of war” between the pathogens and
the natural defenses [see Chapter V, comments on the Triad]. Here
are the last three appendices: V to VII. Appendix V, with the allegory
of the “greenman”, represents the rational function, not fideistic, of
the author in the role of the ombudsman for common citizens who
are at risk of losing health due to environmental pollution, too often
derived from the exploitation of man by man, for profit. Appendix VI
presents a bleak picture of the relationship between passive and active
ignorance as to environmental risks. The last (VII) summarizes a list
of the holders of the globalized powers, whose union has its roots
in the Flexner Report in 1910 (Griffin, 2010), has developed within
the Brussels lobby (Rath, 2012), through the two world wars of the
twentieth century, and ends with the founding of the Bilderberg Club
(1954), by a “century” of wealthy entrepreneurs who have designed
and are building the NewWorld Order (Estulin, 2009).
Giancarlo UGAZIO
via Raffaele Garofalo, 133/A–B
00173 Roma
(06) 93781065
ISBN 978-88-548-6820-5
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